Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Biscuit Casserole Stew

It's cloudy and overcast today which makes me want comfort food. I'm still trying to use up whatever I have in my kitchen and after thinking a bit, I remembered this stew from Brian McCarthy's 'Vegan Family Cookbok'. It's a very easy recipe where I was able to add things from my fridge that needed using up. It's a thick soup-like stew with a split pea soup base and features potatoes and carrots with a drop biscuit crust. I added some extra veggies and made whole wheat biscuits for the top. There was a bit of overspill in the oven (should have use a bigger dish), but it made it look interesting I think!

Ingredients from my pantry:
can of split pea soup
plain soymilk
whole wheat flour
all purpose flour
olive oil
veggie broth powder

Ingredients from my fridge:

Ingredients I had to purchase:

Warm and comforting.


Sarah said...

looks great! warm and comforting indeed.

Jen Treehugger said...

YUM! Looks delicious!

Oraphan said...

Looks like a beautiful piece of art! The best part is that you can eat it without spending any money, mmmmmmm! Great job, Kim!

mvegan said...

sounds so so wonderful ;0)

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

That gravy looks so amazing!!!

aTxVegn said...

It's gorgeous!