Sunday, December 30, 2018

Another vintage recipe: Cauliflower and Spinach Noodles.

This, my friends is my attempt at veganizing a 1970's recipe that I found in a little Betty Crocker book from my vintage cookbook collection. Isn't it tempting? 

So to veganize it, I only had to make a vegan Hollandaise sauce which I found in 1,000 Vegan Recipes. It's cashew based with some lemon, nutritional yeast, mustard, turmeric and cayenne. Super easy to whip up, then heat in the stove with vegan margarine added to it.

It looks pretty yuck my was actually edible. Tastes like Mac and cheese with watery cauliflower in it lol. Oh, I used green spiral pasta instead of noodles.

This was fun to do and I plan to do more.

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