Saturday, February 8, 2014

50 years ago, we met John, Paul, George and Ringo!

I am celebrating this weekend because it's Beatlemania again. It was 50 years ago that America was introduced to The Beatles. They arrived in February 1964 and changed the face of pop culture as we know it, via music, attitudes, fashion, originality and visionary genius. Where would we be without them? To show my love for my favorite music group I made a vegan version of the classic victoria sponge cake in celebration. I filled it with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream. It's so delicious! I'm sure it's not exactly like the traditional victoria sponge they make in Britain but it'll do!

Would you like some cake with your cream? Haha, next time, less cream I think?

To have with a cup of tea. Cake recipe is here. (Except I used almond milk and olive oil in mine.)


  1. Hi Kim,
    May i have the recipe for the vanilla sponge? or can i use Kitee's basic vanilla cake recipe? Thanks!

  2. Hi Ada! I forgot to mention, I used kittee's basic vanilla recipe! :) Except I used almond milk for the liquid and olive oil for the oil. :)

  3. Hi again Kim!
    Ok then, I will use olive oil as well... will make this cake today, have all the ingredients..Thank you :)
