Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vegan Snack Time Again.

Homemade "cheddar" from The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook. It's made out of almonds, roasted peppers, miso paste, nutritional yeast and other spices.

It slices well but is on the softer side. Very tasty though! I topped a wasa bread with the cheese and olive and red pepper salad.


  1. KMouse! This looks great! I am very interested in Cheese and it is my one foible. Did you form that in a Tofu container? I am going to add the book you mentioned to my wish list at Amazon. I can conclude that you'd recommend it?
    Thanks for the photos!
    I am trying to sort out my blog and get my thoughts and Vegan journey up and running.

  2. Hi Linda,
    Yes get that book, it is so interesting how many "cheese-like" recipes you can create and enjoy. This block cheese is good with crackers. I also like to make grilled cheese sandwiches with it and also stir it into a sauce to make cheesy sauce. Also topping for pizza...etc.

  3. I love the UnCheese Cookbook, the crock cheeze is my favourite recipe so far.

  4. I have the Uncheese book, yet have to make recipes from it. When I move home, it is a task I hope to complete.
