Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chickpea and Bulgur Patties (Kibbet Hummus)

Recipe from "Classic Vegetarian Cooking from the Middle East and N. Africa" cookbook. Golden brown patties of chickpeas, bulgur, onions, cilantro, garlic and spices fried in olive oil. These were pretty good. Next time though I might cut back on the bulgur and use more chickpeas. A very carb-errific lunch!

And just to up the carb content even more, I made baked fries to go with it.


  1. Oou, that sounds very similar to the burgers I made last week. You look like you did a better job of getting yours to stay together though. Mine were a little mushy.

  2. Kate,
    Mine were a bit mushy on the inside too but crisp on the outside. It is mashed bulgur and beans after all!

  3. That looks great! Ii might attack someone if I was going to be able to ea that after! Sooooooo yummy!

  4. My baked fries never look that good. What's your secret?
