Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Muffin Gods Must Be Angry With Me...

You're looking at the bran muffin recipe from 1,000 Vegan Recipes. Now, if I would have followed directions correctly I could have gotten a totally different muffin. But the way things panned out, I got these instead. They are good and well enough but not what I was looking for. You might remember I made oat bran muffins a few weeks ago and didn't get the result I wanted then either. I wanted fluffy, dark brown, sticky and sweet bran muffins that were like the ones I used to buy before I went vegan. I know there's a recipe out there!

So back to these muffins... I made a huge mistake. Robin says to use 3 cups of bran flakes cereal. She also said that if the flakes were especially large, to measure them out first and then crush them into smaller flakes. I totally did this backwards and crushed a bunch of flakes first, then measured them out. Ugh. And I wondered why the batter seemed kind of dry. They baked up small and firm on the outside and a little moist on the inside. I spread Earth Balance margarine on them to make them more special. Again, they are good and healthy but not what I was looking for.


  1. They still look good. Maybe you will get it right the next time you make them. At least you know what you did wrong and can fix them.

  2. Those muffins still look good, I bet PB would be awesome on them.


  3. Here's a link for something along the lines of what you described. They can easily be "veganized".

    Also, I really love the recipes you've been coming up with in the last month. Lots of inspiring ideas!

  4. The Garden of Vegan has the BEST bran muffin recipe ever. Nana Marg's quick bran muffin mix in a jar. I've made them for years, get rave reviews on them, and have recently replaced all the oil with double the volume in plain soy yogurt with equally delicious results. They are sweet, spicy, dark, and delish.
