Wednesday, October 28, 2009

VeganMoFo: Mini Meze

Meze = a selection of small dishes

My husband and I like to do this every so often for dinner. It's fun to just have an assortment of things to dip bread and vegetables into. Don't have to slave over a stove or put anything in the oven. I whipped up some hummus yesterday so all I had to do today was prepare za'atar in olive oil and make a second dip. Since I used my new favorite book yesterday, I didn't want to miss another chance to use it again. I looked in the "Appetizers" section and found an eggplant dip that looked good. This eggplant dip is called Bathinjan Mfasakh in arabic and the recipe originates from Syria and Lebanon. It was very easy to prepare. I just needed to salt the eggplant and drain it for a while and then quickly saute in olive oil until browned. Then I mashed it all up and added vegan yogurt, garlic, dried mint, salt and pepper. YUM-MEE. We used whole wheat pita and fresh cucumber for dipping. For drinks we shared a Gingerberry kombucha.

Closeup of the eggplant dip.


  1. gingerberry's my fav kombucha!

  2. wow, all of that looks amazing! When my bf cooks he likes to do lots of little items as well. I love the variety!! This works well for any style of cooking too - particularly Italian since too much pasta makes me feel sick...for example, a little helping of pasta e fagioli, sauteed or steamed spinach, garlic bread and side salad. yum!

  3. Your dinner looks so yummy! These are really my kind of food. I have to stop buying hummus and start making my own from now on (my son loves pita bread and hummus from TJ's).

    I've never tried kombucha before, they're quite expensive,aren't they?

  4. Love gingerberry! I like this idea a lot. Awesome.
