Thursday, October 29, 2009

VeganMoFo: Homestyle Lentil Pie

It's getting nice and fall-like around here. Last night I wore warm socks and a sweatshirt to bed. Time for comfort fall food! I had this pie in mind because I just stocked my pantry with HP Sauce which is the secret ingredient in this dish. I adapted this recipe and change a few things. I used 1/2 cup green lentils to 2 cups water, a can of drained diced tomatoes and extra HP Sauce. I also had to cook the lentils a lot longer, more like 20-25 minutes or so and I had to add a little water here and there when it got too dry. Once the lentils were soft and slightly mushy which is how I like it, that's when I decided it was ready to pour into a casserole and topped with mashed potato.

NOTE: IF you can't find HP Sauce, Pickapeppa sauce is a good stand in and is available at major grocery chains like Vons.

Here's the filling before being covered with potato.

Here it is out of the oven.

I had a bit for lunch. Delicious!


  1. Oh man that looks so delicious and comforting!

  2. Yummy! I always forget how amazing lentils are... your shepherd's pie looks delicious.

  3. HP Sauce is a yummy fruity brown sauce:

  4. Yummy! That lentil pie looks sooo good, YUM! I LOVE lentils, just had lentil soup last night and for lunch today. I'll to try to make this pie very soon.

    I started to wear warm socks to bed too, I love fall weather:)

  5. I made this for dinner and it was fantastic! I found brown sauce in the international aisle. I made loosely following the original directions, subbing edemame for peas to keep something green in there. Hubby didn't like the edemame but liked everything else. Thanks for the recipe!!!

  6. this is a very nice lookin' lentil dealio you got here! will give it a try. thanks!!
