Sunday, August 16, 2009

Salad with Walnut-Cashew Pâté.

I felt like being healthier at dinnertime because for lunch I went out with my husband and had a veggie burger and fries at Johnny Rockets. All that junky diner stuff made me crave something fresh, like a salad. I like to prep my salads in a big tupperware that I can serve myself from during the week. My salad today consisted of romaine, green leaf, red bell peppers, cucumber and celery. I add the tomato before serving. I also made the "Ricotta Cheeze" recipe from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen to put on top. It's not really a cheese, more like a pâté I think. Her recipe requires walnuts and pine nuts. I didn't have pine nuts today so I subbed cashews. It was really good with the salad, especially eaten with the tomatoes because I hate raw tomatoes on their own.


  1. Looks good. Do you ever have an issue with a wilted salad that you stored?

  2. Ooooh that Pate/cheese looks delicious. I LOVE Ani Phyo's recipes. It is a crying shame I don't actually get round to making them!
    This I must remedy as soon as it's cool enough that my brain stops boiling......I just can't function in this ridiculous heat.

  3. HayMarket,
    Not really. I usually spin dry my lettuce first, put it in a tupperware then cover it with a piece of paper towel before I replace the lid. Seems to work well.

  4. This looks great. I love nut pates! I'm curious to know what you use for a camera. I'm in the market for a new one so that I can improve the pix on my blog. Thanks in advance!


  5. GlutenFree,
    Thanks! My camera is very low key. It's a Nikon Coolpix that I bought YEARS ago and it still works fine!

  6. Your salad looks so good. This is really my kind of food. I can eat something like this everyday, YUM!!

  7. yes please, that pate looks so tasty. I am a huge ani phyo fan I love both of her books :)

  8. I love a big fresh salad. Yours looks yummy.
