Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Old Standby: Quinoa Bean Burritos

You know, I've made these burritos quite a lot in the past few months! I've posted about them here and here and I know I've made them plenty other times without bothering to post. I'd like to call it my old standby. It makes a lot and keeps well for meals throughout the week, or in this case, weekend. I've posted the recipe here. Feel free to change up the beans or veggies. I used red and green bell peppers, zucchini and spinach today because that's what I had in the fridge. I also switched the beans to kidney instead of black. I like to make them "enchilada" style by covering them in a chipotle tomato sauce with vegenaise drizzle. They would also be great with melted vegan cheese on top along with guacamole and dairy free sour cream.

For info about quinoa:


  1. What a beautiful piece of burrito! It sounds so tasty, I've to give it a try soon.

  2. This looks great! I mite have to try it now that ive discovered vegan cheese :)

  3. Yum, yum, and yum. And naturally gluten free if I use my homemade gluten free tortillas (go here: Can't wait to try these! I just love your recipes!

  4. wah~ this looks so good

    im hungry already

    thanks for sharing

  5. Your mexican food posts almost make me hungry!

  6. Shannon has been looking for a good alternative to just plain bean burritoes. YAY I found a good link to show her. She'll be very impressed.

    Her Burritoes usually consist of avacadoes, tomatoes, onions, salad reminents from the night before-haha-she cheats, maybe rice, and I don't know what else.

    Thanks for the awesome fixture. Keep on cooking!


    (From "The Adventures of Wendy and Lucy")

  7. Yum, that looks so delicious; wonderful comfort food!

  8. I made these the other night and they were awesome! There was enough filling for 8-10 good sized enchilladas, so we ate them for 3 days. I also doubled the sauce. Thanks for the great recipe!

  9. at-home vegan,
    Glad you liked it! :)

  10. i made these last night and they were great! and i'm oddly picky about things like this. even the kiddo ate a few bites!!
