Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tofu Vegetable Rolls + Salad

I made these beautiful sushi last night but forgot to photograph them all! So I took the leftovers (Marc's lunch today), arranged them on a plate and snapped a quick photo before he left for work. The one in the middle is wrapped in spring roll wrapper instead of nori. They are really good. Inside is baked tofu, cucumber, carrot and yellow bell pepper.

I used the leftover filling to make this spinach salad that I ate for breakfast drizzled with peanut dressing.


    Recipe PURRLEASE.

    I'm having Salad tonight and PEANUT DRESSING would be ideal.

  2. Jeni,
    I don't have exact measurements because I was making it up as I went along. It was something like this:

    2 tsp peanut butter
    1-2 tsp rice vinegar
    1 tsp sesame oil
    1 tsp low sodium soy sauce
    1 tsp sugar
    a little water to thin in out.

    Of course you may add or omit anything to your taste!

  3. oh yeah and a little red pepper flakes and a squirt of lemon juice!

  4. Great sushi rolls! I love to make homeade sushi. It is one of the most easy and fun things a group can make together! Yours looks awesome!

  5. Beautiful rolls! And the salad looks great too.

  6. i'm taking a sushi class soon, i'm so excited!! i'm going to make them ALL THE TIME.

    everything is better w/ peanut dressing, dipping sauce, etc.

  7. Thanks Mouse - it's on the menu for tonight!

  8. I don't know why, but sushi scares me. Perhaps it's just the word and the incorrect connotation a lot of us have of it all being raw fish. I've not made it nor eaten it. Your pictures do make it look intriguing again.
