Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting mentally ready for detox and some tacos.

So the day after Superbowl Sunday, I will start a detox diet based on Gillian Mckeith's meal plans and cookbook. So this means no processed food, no sugar, no white rice, no white pasta, no added salt, no coffee or alcohol... In other words only fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, smoothies, juices, herbal teas, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and tofu. I will be cooking everything I eat. (Except for Feb 18th our wedding anniversary, we are going to Real Food Daily. But they've got healthy vegan options so I'll be fine.) This week I've been enjoying sugar filled sweets, chocolate, coffee, port wine and white bread and rice. A little too much indulgence I think and on Sunday I'm making chocolate ganache cupcakes which will be my last sweet treat before the start of the diet. After three weeks, I hope to be able to crave sweets less and learn to up my raw fruit and vegetable intake. I also wouldn't mind losing a bit of weight! We'll see how this journey goes. I'll be recording it all on my blog and photographing the different foods I will get to eat. If you look back at some older entries (or under the tag "gillian mckeith") you'll see that I've tried a few recipes from the cookbook already and they aren't half as bad as some of you may think.

The other night I made tvp tacos that I forgot to post here.

The tvp was cooked with taco seasoning, lime juice, cumin, garlic powder and salsa. It was quite good. If you don't know what tvp is, it's dehydrated soy granules which you rehydrate in water. It closely resembles ground beef. You can get it in the bulk section of your health food store. It's cheap. You can cook it any way you want and put it in a myriad of dishes such as casseroles, enchiladas, lasagnas and pot pie.


  1. You are going to feel so good doing this detox! I've been on about the same plan, except I can't give up coffee. Enjoy your feast this weekend!

  2. That looks awesome! I've been meaning to get some of those little round tortillas for an evening taco fest.

    Glad you posted this, its more motivation to not only do a detox of my own, but to rock the vegan tacos :)

  3. I'm really looking forward to what you try from You Are What You Eat. The few things I've made have been pretty good. I hope all goes well!

  4. I don't really see why whole foods would be bad....it sounds like my normal diet, haha.

  5. I'm really looking forward to following your progress. With all the delicious food you make anyway - I don't think you'll find this detox half as bad as you think.
    Good Luck!

  6. I hope the detox will go well. Getting rid of some of the sweet cravings is very rewarding. I did a 2 week detox after christmas and now everything tastes much sweeter, I was used to the sweet before.

  7. Good luck on your detox! I am on Eat to Live right now, which sounds pretty similar to Gillian McKeith's diet. It's been three weeks so far and I feel awesome and I know you will too!

  8. did you join her online club? i was considering it.

  9. Jessy,
    No I haven't and I don't think I will as it's not free. I'm fine working with her cookbook. Plenty of recipes to work from!
