Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving '17 and baby's first!

I cooked a lot but was so busy that I didn't get many shots of food. This is Trader Joes Breaded Turkeyless Roast. It was huge, so different from last year's at Christmas. I think it's from a different food manufacturer but who cares, it was delicious! Great texture and flavor.

My plate: the roast along with mashed potatoes and orange herb gravy, herb stuffing, baked sweet potatoes and apples, mustard green beans.  I'm not fancy atThanksgiving, I want it all to come together easy. 

Desserts! Chocolate chocolate chip cookies!

Bryanna Clark Grogan's pumpkin pie and Coco whip.

 The little bambino ate mashed sweet potatoes and apples, mashed potatoes and he tried some baby food turkey and gravy that my non-vegan husband bought for him. So far this guy loves his veggies best. When he's older, he can decide if he wants to be vegan like mama. For right now, he's on formula that is for babies with dairy allergies but the formula itself is not vegan. It basically has milk proteins in it that are broken down for easy digestion. There is only one kind to buy and its specialized and expensive!

Our little family.

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