Monday, March 30, 2015

Pear-Apple-Blueberry Crumble.

Third post of the day and I had to show you. After I cleared the dishes and cleaned up after having my delicious burger dinner, I noticed the apples and very ripe pears in the fruit bowl. "I should make a crumble with those.", I thought. Then a few minutes later, I had a very strong urge to do it NOW. So off I went and chopped up the fruit and added it to a bowl with cornstarch, lemon, cinnamon and a bit of maple syrup. Then I made a crumble topping of melted Earth Balance, bit of brown sugar, coconut, oats and whole wheat flour. 45 minutes later, we have a delicious sweet crumble that goes amazingly with vanilla soy ice cream. I was in heaven eating this.

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