Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Long time no blog!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been eating lots but not cooking as much as I want to. I am addicted to Domino's cheeseless thin crust pizza with mushrooms, olives, onions and green peppers and extra sauce, help! I really do want to cook from scratch at home. I have lists that I keep of foods I want to cook. Here are a few things that I've made recently.

I made another cashew cheese from the Vegetarian Times recipe, this time with a black pepper crust. So good.

Here is our spread along with goodies from the much too expensive antipasti bar at Whole Foods. $8 for the container on the right - what?

Nosh nosh!

This was a delicious grilled portobello burger along with grilled potato that I made last weekend.

Monday's chili made into chili dogs on Tuesday with chopped onions and kraut!


  1. Nice to see you back! Some nice eats here! Really love portobello mushrooms! They are so great in sandwiches and salads!

    Whenever I'm deviating from my healthy diet I found that blogging is a good way to stay on track because I want to post about the good stuffs I've been eating or making! :)
    So, hope you're gonna be posting more.

  2. Thanks Lovlie!

    I have so many things I want to make, just need to go shopping and do it! I hope to post more frequently too.

  3. Your homemade cheese looks fantastic and I could really go for a hot dog right now!
