Sunday, November 28, 2010

VeganMoFo: Veggie Lasagna and German Chocolate Cake

I don't make lasagnas often. I usually save them for either a special occasion, holiday or when I'm really craving one. I was really craving one today so I made this lovely thing this morning. It's got cashew ricotta, broccoli, spinach and mushrooms. I also sprinkled almond/miso/nutritional yeast mixture on top. It was perfect.

I had two pieces already!

Today is husband's birthday and he requested german chocolate cake. I've used this recipe before. Comes out moist and delicious every time. I can eat the coconut/pecan topping on it's own it's so good.

Recipe here.


  1. Both of those look incredible. Yums.

  2. Mmm, those together look like a perfect birthday dinner.

  3. That cake looks so good. Before I learned that I was allergic to most tree nuts (I can consume some, but I have to be careful), I used to love my mom's omni German Chocolate cake, looking at your picture, I can almost taste it. Wow. The Lasagna looks great as well.

  4. These are two of my favorite things, and boy, do they look good! I want!
    I wanted to stop by and say hi to a fellow MoFo'er. I'm going to be sad to se the month come to an end. I'm so glad I discovered you.
    Best wishes.

  5. Mmmmm, lasagna. I'm trying out a new lasagna recipe today. Still haven't found the one, but I'm a newbie-vegan and I'm sure I'll "hit it" eventually.

    Thanks for the link to the cake recipe. Looks amazing!!

  6. Oh what a heavenly dinner. Lasagna looks beautiful.

  7. Gauri Radha गौरी राधाDecember 1, 2010 at 11:28 PM

    Very appetizing stuffs!!

  8. That frosting looks amazing! I may have to make it this weekend- Yum!
