Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rigatoni with Lentil Sauce

All I wanted today was a big bowl of comforting pasta. I made the Lentil Sauce recipe from Vegan Italiano and put it on rigatoni. It was very tasty though not as "saucy" as I was hoping. Next time I will add some tomato sauce to thicken it up. I sprinkled a little nutritional yeast on top as my "parmesan".


  1. That recipe is one of my favorites from Vegan Italiano. I usually make more sauce though, I like my pasta to have lots of sauce.

  2. Chunky, chunky, chunky! I'm all about texture, along with taste. I like food that makes my mouth feel full, and this dish is just kickin' and screamin' to be eaten! Yum.

  3. I'll have to get out my Vegan Italiano and make that sauce. I love the lentil and tomato combo.
