Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pad See Ew Dinner and Sunshine Blog Awards!

This was dinner tonight. Pad See Ew recipe from Buddha's Table cookbook. Yummy yummy!

I'd like to thank Vic from The Life blog for presenting me with this Sunshine Blog Award! Thanks man! I love visiting Vic's blog. He's an amazing cook with a knack for creating beautiful meals out of whatever he has in his kitchen. He is very creative with food and the majority of the recipes he uses are his very own! Thanks again Vic!

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world. I'd like to give recognition to the following blogs that I visit often:

My Marrakesh
I turn to Maryam's blog when I want to dream. She and her family live in Morocco and have been building a beautiful guest house called Peacock Pavilions! It will open very soon. Her blog is filled with beautiful photos and stories of her Moroccan adventures as well as design, art, style and food ideas. I am enthralled each and every time I visit her blog. I will visit her guest house one of these days!

Glue & Glitter
Becky's blog is filled with crafty goodness, tips on sustainable living as well as quick and easy vegan recipes. A long time ago she had a food blog called Apron Strings that I had the honor to guest blog on every now and then. That inspired me to create my own blog soon after. Thanks Becky!

Vegan Dad
I'd like to ask the vegan food blog community, who doesn't love Vegan Dad? He's a cook and baker extraordinaire! With a busy work life and a family at home, I wonder how he does it? I've been very inspired by his cooking and always look forward to his posts.

eat'n veg'n
I believe I've been following Diann's blog for as long as I've been vegan, so that'll be about 3 years. I am inspired by her healthy way of cooking that is always full of color and fresh ingredients.

Fat Free Vegan
I've been following Susan V's blog for about 3 years as well. Her blog is one of the first I came across when looking up vegan recipes. Her recipes are outstanding and presentation/photography impeccable.

Easy Veggie
Oraphan's blog is wonderful! Her enthusiasm for food and fresh veggies is contagious. I always look forward to her posts. I'm lucky that she is my cousin so we also get to talk food and go out and have veggie lunches together.

Heathen Vegan
I love Miss Jeni's blog. It is full of fun and exciting food and yummy baked goods. One day I will try her mince pies recipe!

Tea Amigos
These guys Dax and Mike are serious when it comes to tea and they seem to know all about it. I love getting updates about the latest teas that they've discovered. Being a big tea drinker myself, I can relate to getting really excited about tea.

Mosetta Stone
Mo's blog is awesome. She's funny and knows how to cure serious cravings with the food she makes. She's a great cook and I get great ideas from her blog.

Ste Martaen
As well as a blog that showcases their love of vegan food, this lovely family also have their very own handmade vegan cheese business. I have yet to try their cheeses, they look amazing. The recipes on the blog are seriously mouthwatering. I must make "wish tacos" one of these days because I keep going back to look at that particular entry!

1,000 Vegan Recipes
I wish every cookbook had a blog that was dedicated to it. This one is run by a group of bloggers who are cooking from 1,000 Vegan Recipes by Robin Robertson. I too have this book and always wonder how recipes will turn out so I like to peruse this blog to find out.

My Veggie Kitchen
Matt's got a great blog here. The food always looks terrific and I am always getting ideas here. His latest efforts of cooking with bulgur is very exciting to me. This is my kind of cooking!

For those of you that I named, the rules for accepting this award are:
1. Copy & paste these rules on your blog so your award winners could follow.
2. Put the logo flower on your blog or within your post.
3. Pass the award onto twelve bloggers of your choice.
4. Link the nominees within your post.
5. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting about it on their blog.
6. On your blog post share the love and blog link of the person from whom you received this award.


  1. That looks so delicious!! Is the recipe for the noodles in the book too?

  2. Hi Kim! I'm not sure what that means but Sunshine Blog Award sounds too good to pass up. Either way, welcome to our blogroll :)

  3. TeaAmigos,
    It means your blog brings lots of sunsine to my life or something like that! Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!

  4. Thanks mouse - you're so super sweet.
    I'd really like to get hold of Buddha's Table cookbook, it sounds like a great book and those noodles look yummy!

  5. Aw thank you so much:-) So sweet of you!

  6. Congratulations!! And thanks for including me among so many awesome vegan bloggers. If you ever want to guest post on G&G, just hit me up! As you know, I love your recipes.

  7. Thanks so much for including me with some great bloggers

  8. Aww, shucks! Thanks, Kim!

    The food looks delicious as always!

  9. Thanks. I'm finally getting around to passing it on. I hope you don't mind a little reciprocity. I love your blog.

