Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stinkey Monkey Pudding

I consider myself a lucky duck getting a chance to sample this wonderful pudding by a company called Stinkey Monkey. The name may be cute and silly but the pudding is serious stuff! I got to try the vanilla matcha flavor and it was amazing. I wanted to go slow and savor it but I couldn't help it, I dove in and in a few minutes (seconds?), it was all gone. This stuff is made with quality ingredients and is dairy free, gluten free, soy free and low glycemic. The vanilla matcha pudding is made from raw coconut meat, organic coconut milk, organic palm sugar, organic matcha powder, organic raw vanilla bean, love and laughter! It was deliciously creamy and a little fluffy with the wonderful flavors of coconut, vanilla and matcha. All the flavors mingled perfectly with no one flavor dominating the other. I wish I could have eaten more. These decadent puddings are available at Rainbow Acres in Culver City and the Silverlake Farmer's Market. Try some soon, you will love it.


  1. Oh Yum! That pudding sounds so delicious! Made from raw coconut meat, Mmm..Mmm.. ,love and laughter??? I have to check it out very soon:)

  2. it looks delish, but the name of it kind of grosses me out! haha

  3. Oh my goodness, that looks so rich and creamy and decadent... You lucky vegan.

  4. I don't know what's cuter: the name or the monkey!

  5. I just bought some at Erewhon and I love it, too! I also love your blog, you inspire me to stay Vegan and healthy :)
