Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I'm certainly cooking my way through 1,000 Vegan Recipes aren't I? I highly recommend this book by the way. It's got everything covered in simple straightforward format. This is the cornbread recipe which turned out perfect. Moist with beautiful corn flavor. I like to serve it with Earth Balance margarine and agave syrup. This will go perfectly with the big container of four alarm chili I made last night. Can't wait.


  1. That looks great! Agreed that cornbread and agave is quite a treat.

  2. Looks fantastic! I love corn bread, I'll have to try it with agave very soon.

  3. Yum! That looks light and fluffy. I've never thought to serve cornbread with agave before!

  4. AWESOME looking corn bread! Wish scratch and sniff for the interwebs was invented already!
