Friday, October 2, 2009

VeganMoFo: TGIF & B.I.B

B.I.B. = Breakfast in bed! There's just nothing like it. I've been doing it more often and have been relishing every moment. I'd do it everyday if I had the time. Sometimes on weekends I extend my B.I.B time by making a more substantial tray of food and bringing it to my room to enjoy with a dvd. It's bliss. I may do that this weekend as my Netflix shipment (BBC's adaptation of Dracula) arrived yesterday. This morning to celebrate all that is Friday, I brought to my room a mug of cocoa chai tea, fresh nectarine slices, mulitigrain toast with sunflower seed butter and a slice of my apple-walnut birthday cake. Carb heaven!

Here's a better shot of the cake. Look at all the apple-y chunkiness!


  1. Looks wonderful. I should have breakfast in bed more often...
    Happy belated birthday to you!

  2. What a lovely B.I.B!!! I'm jealous when I have a close look of that yummy cake:)
    p.s sorry I don't know what TGIF stands for?

  3. TGIF: Thank goodness (or god) it's Friday!

  4. Is the cocoa chai tea just chai tea with sweetener, cocoa, and milk? That sounds divine! :) -Eve

  5. Nice. Happy Birthday (yesterday)!

  6. lol, I should have asked Nathan before I asked you, haha:) Happy Friday!

  7. What a wonderful cake! And cocoa chai tea! Wow that sounds delicious!
    Happy belated Birthday!

  8. i love your dishes. and your blog. happy late birthday!

  9. Kim, that sounds insanely good to me right about now! Cocoa chai tea? Where do I get my hands on this stuff?

  10. Mo,
    It's Good Earth Brand. It's really delicious!
