Sunday, July 12, 2009

Spanakopita and Scones.

My husband requested these delightfully flaky spinach pies for today so I woke up real early to make them in time for the Dodger game at 11am. Really early for baseball but our boys are playing in Milwaukee so time zones and all... I'm not going to lie, to prep these pies and bake them took me about 2 hours. It's quite a process. But in the end it's all worth it. The recipe is from Vegan with a Vengeance.

Out of the oven.

Since the oven was on, I whipped up another batch of cranberry-raisin scones. Here's a shot looking down a ziploc bag full of scones. Breakfast and tea snacks for the next few days!


  1. so beautiful! i love working with phyllo dough but it does take forever, doesn't it? my mom has a recipe for a spanakopita-like roll-up stuffed with spinach & various cheeses which i have veganized. it's great to make but it probably takes me 2 hours. i have also done smaller phyllo "triangles" stuffed with various things like cheese, dried fruit, or squash, and those take ages.

    your scones look so good!

  2. Yum! A lot of hardwork, but those look delicious! And I love scones- a great snack on the go!

  3. Your scones look amazing!!!! I love them :D

    We make a version of spanakopita from TOFU 1-2-3 and really love it [although I wish osmeone had warned me the first time about filo being the sort of thing that would make me throw a tantrum! After a few tries we have finally become friends... lol].

    Nice work!

  4. Yum those scones looks so good. Thanks for the link to the recipe!

  5. I've been wanting to make that Spanakopita since I got Veganomicon when it came out but I thought it looked pretty tome consuming. It looks worth it though, I love Spanakopita...I think I'll give it a go when I have some days off work.

  6. Mmmm, perfect little pies! It's too hot to bake so I'm enjoying seeing what everyone else is making.

  7. I love the shot of the scones from the bag! Great photo!

  8. Nice job on those triangles! It does take awhile, but they're gorgeous and delicious, and they make great leftovers!

  9. Does anyone know a good brand? I tried Athens and it tasted lousy.
