Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shells n Cheese please.

This dish was a result of a fortunate accident that happened at work. We make raw vegan kale chips covered in "cheezy" sauce and then dehydrate them, package them and sell them to health food stores (like Whole Foods!). Anyway, I was in charge of making the cheez sauce when I overheated the VitaMix and turned the raw sauce into a hot soup! So obviously the cooked sauce was unusable. So into two cartons it went and my coworker and I could do as we please with this cheez. I heated it up and cooked some pasta shells, tossed it all together and topped it with panko. It got baked for about 10 minutes and put under a broiler for a few. It was yuuuuuummy! (sorry can't give away recipe for cheez sauce!)


  1. ooh, so delicious & crusty! yum.

  2. That looks so good. Did your coworker do the same with it or did s/he come up with some other awesome use?

  3. mona,
    I think she made a mexican feast and used it for that. I was tempted to make tacos or something with cheez sauce on it but decided to go for comfort food. Also because it took way less time.

  4. Ohhhh I love bread crumb-topped mac!!

  5. Looks delicious, I love a good mac n cheese.

  6. That's your job??!!??!!
    What a cool job! And what tasty looking Mac n Cheez.
    Never tried Mac n Cheez before. But I've never tried an omni one either so I would have absolutely nothing to compare it to. Not that it needs comparing to but you know what us vegans are like with comparing foods.
