Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Food.

A very simple and understated menu: Broiled veggies and mushrooms, baked potato and salad with strawberry/jalapeno/balsamic vinaigrette. I marinated the veggies in a garlic/olive oil/vinegar marinade and broiled them on a skewer. I also made the "Backyard BBQ Sauce" from Veganomicon. I brushed some sauce on the veggies while they were broiling. It was the perfect sauce: tangy, sweet and smoky. This was a perfect meal for today which left lots of room for...(wait for it)...deep fried donuts!

I made these because they remind me of childhood. When I was little, my mom and aunts used to fry up pieces of dough for us kids and we just loved them. They didn't add any sugar or anything but these little nuggets of plain deep fried dough were so good. They were golden and crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside. I remember thinking they must have made their own special dough for this but found out it was actually Pillsbury Crescent refrigerated dough! It's not in the least bit healthy but I decided to go for it and make some today. (the dough is vegan by the way!) I made some plain like I remember and some of the donuts sweet by dipping them in cinnamon and sugar. The sweet ones tasted like churros!

And you have to have a cocktail to enjoy with all of this food. This is seltzer water, sour cherry syrup and vodka!


  1. That plate of food looks delicious, and the donuts? Yum!

  2. Happy Fourth! Your veggies look great and I love the Backyard BBQ Sauce. Those donuts look delicious!

  3. Happy Fourth!!
    That Sour Cherry Syrup and Vodka lookss deeee-lish as do the Doughnuts (YUM!!!) and the veggies. Not tried that BBQ Sauce yet - must do!

  4. yum, donuts! everything looks great.

  5. Mmm those donuts looks awesome. I've been working on veganizing my grandmother's german donut recipe, the Pillsbury Crescent dough is a good starting point.

    Thanks for sharing, and that cocktail looks delicious.

  6. I'd love the dough recipe! There's only one place in town that sells vegan donuts and they're a mobile van - not always guaranteed to be in their usual spot, either!! :(

  7. Natastrophe,
    The dough I used for the donuts is actually refrigerated Pillsury Crescent dough that depending on where you are is available at major grocery chains.

  8. Hi,

    Vegan lurker here. I'm still very basic in the kitchen. Do you use a deep fryer for the Pillsbury dough? What oil do you fry it in?

    Thanks for any tips.

  9. Hi Gem,
    I just fried the donuts in a few inches of oil in a regular pot. I would fry for a few seconds on one side then with a spatula or chopsticks, flip over to finish cooking the other side.
