Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Healthy Stuff.

Fresh fruit bowl for breakfast followed by a bowl of oatmeal (not pictured).

A big tupperware of red lentil soup. I know you're probably sick of seeing this soup. I make it all the time. I'm like a one trick pony when it comes to soup! I did make it a little different this time by adding chopped zucchini. I will be eating this every night this week. It's so good. Recipe is from Olive Trees & Honey.


  1. Is that the Sephardic red lentil soup? Been wanting to try it every time I see you post it; I am making my shopping list now!

  2. Why yes it is! You must try it, it's so simple but really really delicious! I like to squeeze extra lemon juice on top of my soup.

  3. It really does seem ridiculously simple -- Looks like all I am lacking are onions and the lentils themselves... red lentil soup, here I come!

  4. That bowl of fruit looks so refreshing. I would love to have it for breakfast with oatmeal everyday. And I've never been sick of seeing your yummy-looking lentil soup, mmmmmmm!!!

  5. Finally got my hands on some red lentils, going to make this soup tomorrow, hurray!

    I am curious - have you tried the Armenian variation mentioned in the book? I have a bunch of dried apricots I've been trying to find a use for, a wondered how good that version is...

  6. marciferous,
    I haven not tried the apricots in the soup yet. Will do one day! Hope you enjoy your soup!
