Friday, May 29, 2009

Spaghetti with Spinach and Mushrooms + Strawberry-Mango Crumble

I made this pasta recipe the first year I went vegan. I had just subscribed to Vegetarian Times magazine and I was exploring and trying recipes from various issues. That was about 2 1/2 years ago so I thought I'd come back and make this dish again. This recipe requires baking the dry spaghetti in the oven for a while to toast them which creates a nutty flavor. The toasted spaghetti is then cooked in a broth flavored with mushrooms, tomato paste and harissa (a North African red chili paste) and allowed to plump up which creates a rich and silky texture. The mushroom flavored broth with the kick of spice from the chili made it taste similar to asian style noodles. Very comfort foody.

Not the best picture, I was too anxious to start eating! I served it with fresh slices of ciabatta bread.

I also made a strawberry mango crumble for dessert. Behold...

I veganized this recipe which simply required substituting Earth Balance margarine for butter. Otherwise it was all as written. I did switch out rhubarb for strawberries, I kind of think they have a similar tarty sweetness, don't you?

Not pictured but I had this with a scoop of vanilla non dairy ice cream. It was perfect. So glad I made this!


  1. Your noodles look interesting. It is nice to see people doing interesting things with ordinary noodles.

  2. i love crumbles! fantastic food.

  3. Wow! Your spaghetti looks so tasty and it sounds really good with my favorite veggies = mushrooms and spinach. Strawberry-Mango Crumble also sounds so delicious, YUM!!!

  4. oh yumm!! that crumble looks amazing!

  5. The strawberry mango version sounds great as well. I am going to have to try it!

  6. What a wonderful spaghetti dish! The crumble looks nice too. I think strawberries always make a great substitution.

  7. Your crumble made my tummy rumble.


  8. They both look really good! yum!
