Monday, May 18, 2009

Moroccan Tagine of Chickpeas

I got this recipe from a cookbook I just bought called 'Food of Morocco'. It has mostly meat recipes but a few were vegetarian or vegan. The Tagine of Chickpeas recipe was completely vegan to my delight. This stew is beautifully flavored with a medley of spices: paprika, turmeric, cumin, ginger, cinnamon and harissa (a North African red chili paste) and is bathed in a rich tomato sauce. I didn't feel like couscous tonight and I don't know where to get Moroccan bread, so I enjoyed it with a loaf of Iranian Barbari bread (wheat flour, water, yeast, salt) that I picked up from Payless Produce on the way home from work today.


  1. WOAH! That looks so good and uses a medley of my favourite things.

  2. Wow - that chickpea dish is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. that sounds amazing, i love chickpeas and tagine! and the bowl it's in is really cute too!

  4. Wow! That Chickpea dish looks so amazing and it sounds really yummy with that great looking bread. What a fantastic dinner!!! =D

  5. Your photos are gorgeous! That chickpea dish sounds perfect for me.

  6. Yum! That looks delish!

  7. Oh my! This looks so good. I am jealous that you can just pick some bread up that looks like that.

  8. I knew you would find some great recipes in those cookbooks you got. Your dinner looks fantastic!

  9. ooh the tagine looks great! i hope you haven't been asked this a million times already, but what kind of camera do you use?

  10. coulditbeseitan,
    My camera is nothing special. It's a Nikon Coolpix. I set it at manual with no flash and take all my pictures by natural light either by an open window, door or even outside on the front porch!

  11. oh and don't forget to put it on macro setting!

  12. Dang girl! You are a great photgrapher! I have a Sony PowerShot and do the same thing, but your photos look so much prettier than mine. Nice job!
