Monday, May 25, 2009

Long weekends and leaving room for quiet moments.

What a weekend! Hope your Memorial Day weekend is eventful as well as relaxed with time to recover from a long work week. My weekend was full of fun; my cousin's beautiful Thai wedding on Saturday morning, followed by a beautiful backyard reception all evening and into the night with tasty food, family, friends, great music and tired feet! I felt totally beat up the next morning but had to get up to go to my little brother's house for a bbq and a Dodger game on his large HD flat screen television. That was a lot of fun (even though we lost!) and I ate way too many veggie dogs. I was still tired from the wedding and nursing a small headache and achey limbs. When I got home, I did as much household chores as I could handle and relaxed most of the evening. To contine the "relaxation" trend today, I prepared breakfast in bed to eat leisurely while I lay in bed enjoying this quiet morning.

Very simple but perfect breakfast. Cardamom flavored coffee, pita with margarine and a really nice Bulgarian wildberry jam, and a little bowl of mangos, oranges and bananas sprinkled with cinnamon.


  1. yummmmmmm. sometimes simple brekkies like that just hit the spot!

  2. yummm! the wedding sounds fantastic. did you get to eat lots of thai food?? sounds like a tiring but wonderful weekend.

  3. What a wonderful weekend you had! I'm so glad that I was there at the most memorable wedding.

    Your breakfast looks really good, simple but yummy!!! =D
