Friday, April 24, 2009

Vegan Sandwich!

So I spent all day in downtown serving jury duty and boy was it boring! I brought a book and my ipod to keep me busy but I pretty much lost interest in my book and instead plugged in the ipod and closed my eyes to doze on and off for about 8 hours. I dreamt of food. In particular sandwiches. I have no idea why. My memory went way back to high school where I used to buy turkey/swiss on a french roll from the snack cart everyday. I missed that sandwich and that sandwich is what occupied my thoughts all day. I was determined to have it for dinner tonight while I watched Dodger baseball on tv. As soon as I was let free from jury service (wee!), I stopped by the store to get all the ingredients I needed. This sandwich is quite different from my high school sandwich but was much much better.

What's all in there? Tofurkey slices, lettuce, tomato, red onions, russian style pickles, pepperoncini, vegan mayo, mustard, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper on a fresh baguette. It was AMAZING. I don't like to eat a whole lot of fake meats but this was just too good to pass up. I was so into it that I finished it all in a half Dodger inning.

For the love of all things pickly.


  1. It's amazing! Looks so yummy. Can I have some?? =)

  2. yum!!! i have never actually tried those tofurkey slices, but you make them sound so good!

  3. Thank you Vegan Mouse for your inspiration. I made a similar sandwich for my lunch today - gluten free toasted bread with hummus instead of the tofurkey and I omitted the pepperoncini, olive oil and vinegar. Otherwise, replicated your sandwich and it was delicious!


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