Friday, March 13, 2009

French Bread Pizza...and More Pizza!

I am a little mad at myself because I spent $20 on groceries this week when it should have been less than $15. :( I bought some packaged stuff like Boca veggie burgers and a few items that I need for a dessert I'm making this weekend for a lunch party. Oh well! I haven't been cooking out of the pantry since the red lentil dahl. I ate that for almost 3 days straight! I might delve into the pantry tonight to make something for dinner but I don't know what yet. Lunch was easy today. I had some french rolls that I bought and made some pizzas with sundried tomato pesto that I already had in the fridge. I also added some vegan mozzarella (another bought item), fresh tomato and green peppers. They were quite good though the cheese didn't melt enough to my liking.

Edited to add:

Dinner was a full pizza pie using Gillian McKeith's whole wheat sweet potato crust recipe. Yum Yum! This pizza was just right. Lots of sauce, dripping with goopy vegan mozzarella and lots of nice toppings. The melting happened with this pizza as opposed to my lunch pizza because it stayed in the oven a lot longer, about 20-25 minutes. (In case you're wondering I used Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet Mozzarella)

Check out the yumminess up close!

I ate two slices and will eat more tomorrow!


  1. That does look good! I'll have to try that pizza crust.

  2. I'm so having Pizza tonight!
    Still have to try that dough but I can't be arsed to go to the supermarket. Next time.......

  3. omg i want to eat the whole thing!!!

  4. Yum! That sweet potato crust has been on my "to try" list for awhile now!
