Monday, February 16, 2009

Detox Week 3, Day 15

Hello week number three! This is my last week of my diet and I'm feeling good. I'm definitely going to continue eating healthy foods after the diet as much as possible.

This morning it was raining heavily and it made me lazy. I didn't want to do anything but lay in bed or on the couch with a bag of chips watching Doctor Who re-runs. How very tempting. But I didn't do that. I ate breakfast which was a bowl of oatmeal with half a banana, raisins and sesame seeds and a little after I exercised for half an hour.

Lunch: miso soup w/ spinach...

..and green salad w/ walnuts and goddess dressing

Snacks: mid morning I had 1/2 banana and in the afternoon, 1 plain brown rice cake...AND

I also made another batch of carob date brownies. This one has chopped macadamias, almonds and coconut on top. Mmm! This I had with my tea.

Dinner: Grapes and a bowl of aduki bean stew.


  1. I made that Goddess dressing last night! Oh my, is it ever good or what!!
    My favourite dressing, thanks for sending me the recipe.

  2. Yum, that is my kind of soup and salad with LOTS of pepper!!!


  3. You're doing so well, Kim! How do you feel?

  4. Hi LeAnne,
    I feel great! I definitely feel different having not eaten any white bread/pasta/rice and eating more veggies and whole grains. I feel lighter and less sluggish. I do miss white bread big time and I salivate over the bbq potato chips that my husband has been snacking on, haha!

  5. Your miso soup looks so perfect! What do you use for miso? Mine always turns out too tart.
