Saturday, February 14, 2009

Detox Week 2, Day 13

Yay weekend! When I woke this morning, I hung out on the couch for a while watching 'You Are What You Eat'. Today's episode was about a lady who ate nothing but bread and butter, bread and jam, pastries, cakes, crumpets, bread, bread and more bread. It was pretty astounding! And it was all white processed refined bread too which made it worse. I'm a carbohydrate addict and I could have easily become like her. In fact, I WAS her a long time ago! I was in my first year of college. I was 17. I was living in the dorms and our daily breakfast, lunch and dinners were at the dining hall which served the worst foods: fried chicken, meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy, tuna melts, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, ice cream, french fries, cake, cookies, you name it... I ate a lot of that stuff and a lot of bread and cakes which helped me gain my freshman 40! Yep, I gained a hefty 40 pounds instead of the usual 10. It was not good for my 5'2" frame. I think I was about 180 at the time. After I moved out of the dorms, I slowly lost the weight and several years after was able to get to a healthy weight of 135-140 pounds. Then I got married and it went up again to about 155-160. Then later I went vegan and went down to 146. Up and down, up and down... Now I'm still in that 146-ish range which is alright but I think I can afford to lose a few more considering my height.

ANYWAY, enough of that weight talk, it's time to refocus our energies on feeling good and most of all healthy. It shouldn't be so much about weight. It's about eating foods that make you feel alive and not dead!

Today's eats:

Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal with sliced bananas, raisins, sesame seeds and brown rice syrup.


Herby White Bean Dip with veggie crudités.

I can white beans, drained and rinsed
1 TB tahini
2 cloves garlic
juice of 1/2 a lemon (or more if you like)
1 tsp mixed herbs (I used Trader Joes 21 seasoning salute)
1/2 tsp low salt soy sauce
black pepper to taste
a splash of olive oil
a little water to help it blend better
Add all ingredients to blender and blend til smooth and creamy. Garnish with paprika.

Fresh homemade salsa with baked sprouted grain tortilla chips.

Lunch: Split pea soup (again!), red grapes and a salad w/ steamed broccoli

Dinner was leftover curry from last night and 1/2 a minneola tangelo. AND how could I forget my brownie treats? I had about 6 little 1" pieces throughout the whole day.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that lady on the 'you are what you eat' program too. I honestly find it hard to belive that people actually can survive on that kind of food!
