Thursday, February 12, 2009

Detox Week 2, Day 11

I'm halfway there. I'm starting to fall into the lazy trap though. I am tired of eating fruit and salad. I had to force myself to eat a salad for lunch. I saw some chocolate brownies yesterday, valentine's day brownies in fact. It reminded me that I won't be having any chocolate for V-day. I'm thinking about making the fudge carob brownies from Gillian's book for a treat on Saturday. Maybe I'll do that. And maybe a loaf of her butternut squash bread as well. That should help my comfort food cravings. Yesterday I was ok with eating out with family and seeing bread and fries on the table and not touching them. Today my mood is different.

So here are today's eats:

Breakfast: Pear, mango, plum, dates and banana smoothie.

Lunch: Curried Split Pea Soup. My favorite soup recipe from Vegan w/ a Vengeance. To make it diet friendly I decreased the oil to 1 tsp and and added water to steam-fry the onions, garlic and ginger. I used low salt soy sauce instead of salt to season. It was very good despite the unflattering photograph.

Lunch: The pretty salad I forced myself to eat: rocket/arugula, zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes lightly drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice.

My snacks today were 1 date and 1/2 banana mid morning, a handful of raisins several hours later and after a long dog walk I made this...

This is a peanut butter, banana, date, soymilk and carob smoothie. Heaven in a cup. My sweet tooth has gotten the best of me today.

Here's the recipe:

1 cup plain unsweetened soymilk
4 pitted dates
1 cup ice
1 banana
1 tsp carob powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 TB unsalted natural peanut butter
Blend the dates and soymilk then add the rest of the ingredients and blend til smooth. You may add more soymilk if it's too thick.

Dinner was stuffed peppers! This recipe is from the latest issue of Vegetarian Times. It's got quinoa, black beans, spinach and tomatoes. I topped the peppers with sliced olives (to entice my husband who loves olives) and one of them with a tablespoon or so of cashew cheese (Gooda uncheese) for a little indulgence. A nice green salad and a dollop of homemade guacamole made the meal complete. Mmmm. They were delicious and so filling. I'm sitting up in bed typing this right now feeling very stuffed.


  1. Those peppers DO look scrummy!
    Thanks for the Smoothie recipe - I'm gonna make one later tonight as a treat,instead of going out to the pub to consume copious amounts of Beer!

  2. Love your blog--initially came to it from ppk--but love checking it frequently. I've been enjoying your detox posts too. Just wanted to say that I made FFV roasted cauliflower soup and it was really great and would probably fit nicely with detox plans.

  3. I love gooda uncheeze! Your blog is fun. :)
