Sunday, February 8, 2009

Detox Week 1, Day 7

Yay, one week down, two to go!

Here are today's eats:

Breakfast: Mango-Date-Plum-Banana-Strawberry Smoothie. This was really nice.

Snacks: Mid-morning we had baked chips and salsa, Carrot sticks and the hummus recipe from You Are What You Eat. My early evening snack was half a banana and a handful of raisins.

Lunch: Thai Vegetable Curry (zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, red peppers and kidney beans) which I served with brown rice. I based this curry on the recipe in You Are What You Eat. It feels much lighter than the curries I normally make. It doesn't have much coconut milk so I added a little bit of plain unsweetened soymilk. In place of the spices she uses (coriander, cumin, kaffir lime etc), I used some lime juice and a tsp or so of red curry paste which has all those ingredients in it and not to mention some red chilis which in a curry is a must!

I wasn't very hungry at dinner so I made myself "Ants on a Log", a stalk of celery filled with unsalted natural peanut butter and dotted with raisins. Totally unspectacular and did not need to be photographed!


  1. ooh, please share the curry recipe!!

    i have definitely noticed that since drinking smoothies every morning (i also throw spinach in mine), i don't really feel hungry during the day. i mostly just want to snack, so i eat rice cakes, hummus, raw veggies, dried fruit. i'm probably not getting enough veggies though.

  2. Yay! for being done your first week. I'm proud of you (and hubby)

  3. All these foods you have made look so delicious. Whenever I think of detox I can't help but think of depriving myself. But I can see from your blog that this couldn't be further from the truth!
    Do you feel better within yourself??

  4. That Thai vegetable curry dish you had for lunch looks awesome.
