Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Detox Week 1, Day 3

Sweet craving go away! I was watching the Food Network yesterday and there was a show about cake decorating and looking at the chocolate layered with buttercream, I almost died...just a little. I had some grapes. I think I need to get more exercise, way too much tv watching. After the holidays I did a lot of couch sitting with a bag of chips. I was quite the lazy bastard! So definitely need to get in some exercise. I usually do a half hour to an hour walk with my dog everyday but it doesn't feel challenging enough. Shall I get out my Tae Bo dvds? We'll see...

Here are today's eats:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with bananas, raisins, macadamia nuts, poppy seeds and a tiny drizzle of maple syrup. Delicious! It kept me full until lunch.

In case you're wondering, Gillian's plan allows natural sweeteners like maple syrup, barley malt syrup, brown rice syrup and so on. Just in small amounts. I made homemade date syrup a few days ago. I should have put this in my oatmeal but I forgot about it until just now.

Lunch: Green Leaf/Spinach Salad w/ beans, Spinach Soup w/ pumpkin seeds(from You Are What You Eat cookbook)

Snacks: 1 Braeburn apple, thinly sliced. Just how I like it.

Just how Buster likes it too!

Dinner: Baked Aubergine and Mushroom Stack (YAWYE cookbook). This was served with brown basmati rice and a green salad.

I'm really enjoying eating all this great, healthy food. My normal diet doesn't stray too far from this but includes way too many white foods (white rice/bread/pasta) and far too many sweet treats filled with sugar and calories. Eating this way is new for my husband who is stuck on delivery pizzas, hot dogs (the non-vegan kind), microwave popcorn, kraft mac n cheese, chips, soda and beer. I'm glad that he's trying new things and is going along with it well. I'm secretly hoping that after the three weeks, he won't mind giving up his pizza here and there to have a healthy meal that is good for both of us.


  1. i love gillian mckeith and am following her plan too. i currently only have her slim for life book.

    i'm having a hard time following her plan exactly. it seems like so much prep work. are you finding the you are what you eat book to have a lot of recipes, or are you mostly using recipes from the separate cookbook?

    also, do you use any type of dressing on your salads? i find it hard to eat them with just some lemon juice.

  2. Hi Dani,
    I'm basing my meal plans loosely on her cookbook and improvising a bit. Only because I can't go grocery shopping all the time! I would say I am using at least 2 of her recipes per day whether it be a soup for lunch or a meal for dinner. Things like smoothies, salads and snacks, I pretty much go my own way and it's not hard to come up with a smoothie idea.
    For the salad dressings I like lemon/olive oil/splash of soy sauce/black pepper. Otherwise it's olive oil/dijon mustard/lemon juice or cider vinegar/black pepper and a pinch of veggie broth powder. Sometimes I add a drop of agave syrup if it's too tart. And I don't use much in a salad, just a drizzle and then I toss the hell out of it to coat all the salad leaves.

  3. wow, way to go! that's amazing that you're doing it. i've gotten into a bad pattern of having sugar every single day...yuck.

    good luck!!

  4. i have been eating crap and feeling awful for the last few months and for some reason just can't get back into healthy eating. but looking at your beautiful food totally has me inspired. so i'm starting tomorrow. no more excuses. i hope you blog lots for the next 3 weeks because i'll be bookmarking your site and checking it lots to keep me stoked.

  5. fisho,
    Awesome! I will definitely be blogging regularly. It helps me stay on track. Good luck with your healthy eating. It's actually fun and feels great. I do miss cake but for now I will try to focus on other foods that I can have at this time.

  6. God I'd be swigging from the Agave Nectar bottle if I had a sweet craving and that was all I had to hand!! Doesn't happen often (time of the month)but I know what they're like when you can't satisfy a sweet tooth.
    All that food looks so amazing! I now have a craving for Apples, yesterday it was stewed Apples but now I just want a normal Apple....Mmmmm....
    I especially like the look of your Oatmeal.

  7. Yum! All of this looks fantastic! Aw, Buster is sooo cute.

  8. Your breakfast looks outstanding!

  9. OH man, I need to eat oatmeal more often. I had some the other day and I felt amazingly satisfied for hours without feeling full. Gotta buy some now. And bananas... and RAISINS!

  10. for sweet cravings, i have been eating medjool dates & dried figs. really yummy!

  11. i made an "almost raw' breakfast this morning (i just watched a raw food recipe dvd) that was so awesome and sweet. the raw version was soaked oat groats but i only had regular oatmeal and spelt flakes so i put them in the blender with a handful of soaked dates, a few walnuts and then some almond milk. it is supposed to resemble oatmeal and it does, but it tasted like the sweetest most heavenly super thick smoothie. the dates made it almost too sweet and a small bowl was filling until lunchtime. it kept away any sweet cravings i had for hours!
