Sunday, January 4, 2009

Soup and a Sandwich.

Some days you just can't be bothered. You want something quick with little or no effort but still something that will satisfy your hunger. I've been under the weather for the past few days and I feel better but very lazy to cook. Last night, I just wanted something warm and easy to eat. My throat is still bothering me and I felt like eating more soup. I got a book for x-mas called 'You Won't Believe It's Vegan!' and looked through it to find this easy split pea soup. It's just a matter of throwing things in a pot and stirring every now and again. It was good and I liked it but my favorite split pea soup will always be the one from 'Vegan with a Vengeance', I think because it's got curry powder in it!

Served with some sesame crackers.

Today for lunch I wanted something easy as well. A sandwich fit the bill perfectly. And I had all these great ingredients: lavash bread (an Middle Eastern flatbread), homemade hummus (I also used a recipe from 'You Won't Believe It's Vegan!'), red bell peppers, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and spinach. Everything was ready to go so I just spread some hummus on the bread and layered everything in there. I put more hummus on top of the veggies and drizzled lemon juice and olive oil on top and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Cucumbers would have been good in here too. Or any other crunchy veggie for that matter.

Here it is before being carefully rolled up. I got the whole wheat lavash bread from Trader Joe's. For about 2 bucks you get a package of about 6 large flatbreads. You can also cut the bread in half to make a smaller wrap.

A healthy sandwich with creamy hummus (protein!) and lots of crunchy veggies.


  1. That sandwich is gorgeous. If only I could find a gf lavash bread. Rice tortillas would work though. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

  2. Hi Dawn,
    Yes tortillas would work just perfectly. :) And thank you, I'm hoping this cold disappears completely within a couple days!

  3. that looks delish. and it's homemade! wowie.

  4. that's almost exactly what i had for lunch!! lavash w/ bean salad, romaine, spinach, carrots and hummus! very yummy.

  5. Mmm I'm very much wanting that sandwich right now!

    Feel better soon!

  6. The perfect lunch - it looks amazing!

    Glad you're feeling better.

  7. ok, i had to make this sandwich today (took a trip to trader joes) and it was AWESOME!!! i also made your carrot soup and that too was the best ever, thanks for helping me jumpstart my new year back on the good eating wagon, i felt so good today!

  8. Gorgeous food! Guess what I'm eating right now?
    Yep - Soup and sammiches - though the sammich is nowhere near as wonderful looking as yours.
