Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2nd Vegan Anniversary To Me!

It's hard to believe that 2 years have hurtled by since I decided to stop eating animal products. It's been a great journey so far and will be ongoing. Being vegan has become such an important part of who I am and not a day goes by that I don't feel good about my choice. I feel like a new person, one who is healthier, more compassionate and happier with myself. I honestly didn't think at first that it would be as easy as it has been. I was asked on Christmas at our family party whether I craved meat at all. And I can honestly say that I haven't. One of the reasons is that I don't see animal products as food and the other is the fact that there is just so much really good and really satisfying food that I can enjoy. I am very excited about food and it's because of this that I have been successful with staying on track. If anyone asks me about being vegan, I push the positive aspects of the food as much as possible. I think more people need to understand that vegetarian food is no longer "health foody granola" kind of food. There is just so much more to it and it's really fantastic that I am able to share it here on my blog. I tend to not push the animal cruelty aspect of it because I know that it will most likely turn people off. I know because I was one of those people that didn't want someone to "tell me" that what I was eating was bad for my health as well as contributing to animal suffering and pain. That was a realization and understanding that I had to come to on my own.

So here I am, two years down and ready to take on another. I've got so many recipes and cookbooks that I want to try and share here. It's business as usual!


  1. Congratulations! I've really enjoyed reading about your cooking adventures!

  2. Happy second veganversary!
    This post reflects my own thoughts and experiences on becoming vegan perfectly.
    I look forwards to reading your blog in 2009.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I look forward to another year of your amazing vegan food.

  4. Congratulations, it is a commendable thing to do.

  5. Congrats on your 2nd vegan anniversary! I just found out about your blog through

    I've been a vegan for about 17 years now.

  6. I too was sick on New Year's eve. I wrote a little song about it:

    Wishing you a wonderful new year.


  7. Congrats! I reach my 2-year mark in March. I am enjoying your recipes!

  8. Happy Veganversary!
    And Happy New Year.
    Wishing you a very happy, healthy 2009 filled with love and laughter.
