Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Make favorite dish. Eat. Repeat.

I have this annoying habit when I really like something I will have it over and over without tiring of it. At least for a while. It could be movies (I've watched some films over 10 times), music (currently Doctor Who series 4 soundtrack on a continuous loop), books (I've read 'I Capture the Castle' more times than I can count) and finally food. If I like something and if it always turns out perfectly, I'll make it again. And again. And again... Drives my husband nuts.

Well tonight was one of those nights. I know I made Vegan Dad's mac and cheese a few weeks ago but I really wanted it tonight. It's cool and crisp out and I wanted some comfort food with a comfort vegetable. I made a side dish of garlic broccoli in which I burned some of the garlic but it still came out good.

On to the pics...

I did do something a little different. I used regular yellow mustard instead of the dijon that the recipe called for. Good!

I love broccoli.

You'll find the mac recipe here.


  1. I love that you love broccoli. It's good to eat it with mac n cheese.

  2. I also love mac and cheese with broccoli!! In fact, I blogged a few days ago about some mac and cheese I made with broccoli baked right it. It soaks up the cheesey sauce, its soo good. I'll have to try Vegan Dad's recipe since you like it so much!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am totally the same with repeating things, I watch, listen and eat the same things ALL the time! But hey, if it's good why not?! Your Mac N Cheese looks yummers.
