Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quick Eats.

I was not in the mood today to cook and after eating pot pie over and over again for the past few days (I have no complaints!), I just wanted something quick and simple. I didn't care what it was. So this was it. It's two sesame toasts slathered with Vegenaise topped with a crispy Boca Chik'n burger with a Tofutti soy cheese slice and bbq sauce. I added some fresh chard I got from the farmer's market this morning and a bit of avocado just to add some fresh ingredients to balance out all the processed stuff. Not bad though I think I should have ditched the bbq sauce as it was too sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, I had a craving for something like that last night so I got a vege burger and added Plamil mayo, Maleny Special BBQ sauce and a Tofutti American slice, so good!
