Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bulgur Pilaf Stuffed Peppers

I've been trying to cut back on white rice and incorporate more whole grains into my diet. I am hopelessly addicted to white rice as it's what I grew up on. There is always a large rice cooker of fluffy white jasmine rice in every Thai household and we could go through giant 50 lb. bags of rice in a snap! As a kid I would eat a bowl of rice sprinkled with fish sauce as a snack. That's how much I loved it.

I don't cook with bulgur as often as I'd like so I thought I should today since husband was on his own for dinner (he's alright with super healthy food but not always). Bulgur is a whole wheat grain that is usually found in middle eastern dishes such as tabbouleh and kibbe. It's highly nutritious (more so than rice or couscous) and has a mild nutty flavor with a fluffy and slightly chewy texture. I used my Olive Trees and Honeycookbook and made the basic Turkish Bulgur Pilaf and then cooked some onions, eggplant, tomatoes and swiss chard to add to it.

I didn't stop there. I had some yellow peppers (and one red one) in my fridge that needed using up so I stuffed them with the pilaf and baked them in the oven. I made a simple tomato sauce to pour on top that consisted of tomato puree, cumin, lemon juice, agave syrup, salt and pepper.

Beautiful presentation and delicious too!


  1. Your peppers look so good. I've got some peppers I need to use up too. They are big enough for stuffing and I like your veggie and grain mix.

  2. I'm always down for some stuffed peppers. And yours look delicious.

  3. These peppers are so, so beautiful. They look perfect. And I know what you mean, jasmine rice is so good.

  4. I love bulgar! My grocery sells a bulgar by Hodgson Mills that has some soy in it too for some extra protein. I talked about it in my blog, I adore the stuff: http://veganstrong.blogspot.com/2008/10/bulgar-wheat-and-soy-is-your-friend.html

    Your peppers look super yummy!
