Friday, October 31, 2008

VeganMoFo: Happy Halloween!

How great was this month? I think I was able to put in an entry everyday except for maybe two. I've enjoyed blogging constantly and all this food has made me happy. I think I've gained a bit of weight! I'm ending the Vegan Month Of Food of 2008 with a Halloween treat naturally. The idea for these vampire cupcakes have been circling the internet for quite some time. I used kittee's vanilla cupcake recipe, vegan vanilla buttercream frosting and cherry pie filling and red food colouring for the blood. Don't they look grand? I'll be taking them to a Halloween party tonight. We will be dressed as pirates. Couldn't afford brand new costumes so we pulled out our renaissance faire costumes that have always come in handy. I love dressing up as a wenchy pirate.
If only I could do it everyday...

1 comment:

  1. can you please write me an email or something to let me know how you make your frosting? mine never comes out right!
