Friday, October 10, 2008

VeganMoFo: Damn Good Curry.

Last night the husband came home and said he wanted Kraft Dinner (Kraft Mac n Cheese to you non-canadians) so I decided I would make a dish for myself that he doesn't particularly like. I love indian food and I only get to make it on days where husband cooks for himself. He's not fond of indian flavors anymore. He liked it at one point and then one curry dish too many put him over the edge. (Damn!) So while he was complaining about the strong spices I was using, I was happily stirring away my favorite channa masala. I use the same recipe everytime which you will find here. I tweak things a little by adding an extra 8 oz. can of tomato sauce (I like it saucy!), a tsp of sugar and frozen peas. I can't say how much I love this recipe. It's the perfect spicy curry to eat with jasmine or basmati rice and a tall glass of iced water.


  1. That looks delicious! I'm craving something spicy for dinner now.

  2. I made Indian food last night too. Great minds think alike!
    I LOVE Indian and your curry looks totally YUM!
