Wednesday, October 29, 2008

VeganMoFo: The best dessert ever and more leftovers revamped.

I am so excited. I went to Thai Town today and shopped at a grocery store where they had freezers full of veggie ham, shrimp, salmon and beef chunks. All were very expensive so I had to pass. I knew that some of them probably had whey or eggs in them and I was too cold to search through it all because their freezers were ICY COLD. I was standing there with the freezer doors open literally shivering in my t-shirt while comtemplating on buying a ham tube. I moved on to the dessert freezer and found this:

Manna from heaven! I remember growing up eating this during my visits in Thailand and I somehow thought it had dairy in it. It is the most delicious ice cream (vegan ice cream!) that you will ever eat. If you don't like coconut or coconut milk, sorry! This totally made my day. Good thing I didn't buy the mock meats because this sucker cost me $15! Ingredients are: coconut milk, jack fruit, coconut, taro, sugar, salt. Five pounds of coconut heaven this.

I couldn't find or taste the taro in this. I think the green things are laht chong which is a dessert noodle flavored with pandan leaves.

My little dessert bowl because I have to control myself.
Edit: I just found a recipe for this ice cream online here. So for those of you with ice cream makers, go nuts!

Do you remember my food the other day, the rice casserole and bean salad? Here they are revamped as a pita sandwich with lettuce and chunks of baked sweet potato and then drizzled with poppyseed dressing.


  1. My fave kind of ice cream used to be coconut ice cream! I should try creating this at home, yum!

  2. mandee,
    I just edited my post and added a website link to a recipe! If you have an ice cream maker you're good.

  3. i am so looking for this at the asian market!

  4. ohman, YES! The farmers market I go to has started stocking something like this! It's a different brand, but it's frozen, sweet coconut milk with fruit in it. They have a few kinds, including red bean and mango!

  5. Wow! I had almost the exact same experience the other day! I stood there shivering in front of the open freezer scanning the ingredients of the vegetariam ham tube (or something like that). It had milk in it :(.
    I gave up and bought coconut water instead. Yay!

  6. becky,
    I love red bean!!! Mango too! I'm jealous. ;)

    How funny. I was shocked at how cold their freezers were. Every time I picked up something from it (which was rock solid), I was shivering even harder.

  7. Way to use up those leftovers! That looks great.

  8. that coconut cream looks awesome!!!!
