Friday, September 19, 2008

Mumbo Gumbo.

I don't remember the last time I had gumbo. I might have been 7. I don't know. I must have not liked it that much if I never had it again since then. I found this veggie gumbo recipe at kittee's blog. It looked so good to me that I knew I had to try it and see once and for all if I really do like gumbo. I did have to substitute a few things because I didn't have them. Like okra. Where the hell do you find fresh or frozen okra here in L.A.? I couldn't find it anywhere. Either that or I was looking in the wrong place. I had a zucchini in my fridge so I chopped that up and added to the stew. I also didn't have Tony Chachere's seasoning so I ended up using Trader Joe's '21 Salute Seasoning' and added a little cayenne, paprika and black pepper. I also used store bought veggie sausage (Tofurkey brand). All in all, this gumbo was fairly easy to make and I think it turned out fabulously served over rice. I definitely would make it again. Thanks kittee!

On white rice. Mmm...


  1. I am very excited to try this. I haven't had gumbo in forever!

  2. I miss gumbo too - will have to try this one. You can find okra in the markets - fresh or frozen, but it's definitely an acquired taste :) Your neighbor Hope gave me your blog address - can't wait to try some of these recipes!

  3. sue,
    Hi there!I must have missed the okra while shopping. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you like the recipes!

  4. Yum! I made this last weekend too and subbed the heck out of it. I messaged Kittee and said that I think her recipes are indestructible, even with crazy subbing and stuff. Delicious!
