Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Veg friendly finds at the asian grocery.

I took grandma to a doctor's appointment today and after I dropped her off home in Torrance I swung by the 99 Ranch Market around the corner from her house. I love going to asian markets. Whenever my mom goes, I always tag along. So many interesting things to look at and buy. I only had 20 bucks on me so I couldn't go crazy but I think I did pretty well for the amount of money I had. Here's my haul.

In the front: broccoli, red bean cakes, soybeef jerky, chinese hot mustard, two kinds of tofu, firm and extra firm. In the back: baby bok choy, cans of mock meat, almond cookies, vegetarian mushroom oyster sauce and potato fries.

I know I should be buying more produce than packaged products but these things are what lures me into these stores! You'll see what I mean as you scroll down.

These are so yummy. They are a tender flaky pastry filled with a generous amount of dense red bean paste sweetened with sugar. So good. I just had one at lunch. *smacks lips*

Soy beef jerky! I got this honkin' package for $2.89. What a deal! I tasted one. They are very chewy and more sweet than salty. Not bad at all.

Ingredients for the jerky. Gotta check labels. Just because it says 'vegetarian' doesn't always mean it's vegan. So after a quick perusal of the ingredients, I found no dairy or eggs in them so into my shopping cart it went. Hey and look! Free flossing pick included!

Mock Chicken and Mock Popk!!! (I'm sure they mean Pork!) I have to admit, I bought these for the novelty. I usually make my own mock meat so I don't necessarily need to buy stuff like this. But I couldn't help buying them just because. I'll probably use them in a stir fry with some kind of sauce.

Ingredients are pretty much the same for the mock chicken as well as the mock pork. By the way, these canned mock meats are pretty high in fat because oil is added to them.

Mushroom stir fry sauce. Really good stuff. I like to use this in veggie stir frys. I didn't take a pic of the ingredients but in case you're wondering they are: Mushroom extract, salt, sugar, modified starch, caramel color, hydrolysed vegetable protein and sodium benzoate.

Thousand layer cookies?? Don't know about that. But I do know that I love anything with almonds in them.

Ingredients for almond cookies. I bought these because they were practically the only cookie on the shelf without butter, eggs and milk. I think asian food companies like to put 'milk powder' in everything!

So that was my asian grocery adventure. I would love to have gotten more items like the vegetarian ham tube (which was $16!!), more bean cakes and other exotic items. I plan to use the tofu, broccoli, bok choy and the stir fry sauce for tonight's dinner. Will try to photograph it and post it in tomorrow's blog entry.


  1. Ohman, what a great haul! I am particularly jealous of the jerky!!

  2. That's a GREAT haul for $20! Asian stores really are gems.

    - Cat

  3. We have a 99 Ranch Market in Vegas!!!!! I have yet to go there because It's so far from my house, but now I think I will just have to go!!!

  4. I really enjoy the soy beef jerky. It costs $4.99 here in N. CA.
