Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Blog Post!

I've decided to write a food blog, particularly a vegan food blog. I am obsessed with food and cooking. I always was, even before I became vegan which was about a year and a half ago. I've discovered new foods and ingredients that I would have never tried before. It also feels good to know that all my favorites of the past can almost definitely be done without meat, eggs and dairy.

So I cook. A lot. And I obsessively take photos of my meals because I am proud that I can make food that is delicious, healthy and free of animal products. I decided to share them here in my blog to show those who don't necessarily know much about vegan food that it's not a difficult or restricting dietary choice. It's not all about salads and raw vegetables! Most of the recipes I work with are from cookbooks and ones I find online. I will direct you to the book or website of every recipe I post about. Every now and then I will whip up something myself but I have to say, it's pretty rare.

I've been asked many times (and I'm sure most vegans can say the same) this one question: "What do you eat???" Well, I plan to fill the contents of this blog with the answer to that question. Starting with...

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies! Why not start with dessert? Most people like dessert and if they are like me, they fantasize about cake, cookies, brownies and ice cream (the soy variety) all the time. My sweet tooth will be the death of me. And I think it's a good thing to start with a vegan dessert because most are surprised when I tell them that my desserts have no eggs, butter or milk. It can be done! These brownies are really lovely to look at and they taste downright decadent. It's more of a cake like brownie but I intend to try them with a fudgier brownie recipe next time.
This is not my recipe. I found the recipe here.



  1. looks great but you're not helping w/ my chocolate craving!! :D

  2. This is the first time I've come upon your blog. OMG, I LOVE IT!1 Brilliant, and it's going to be a much much better new year, since finding it. THANK YOU, for you work, your inspiration, for sharing your knowledge. We need MANY MORE, like you! XOXOXO Donna

  3. Thanks Donna! :) I appreciate that.
